function [cov, cor, sd, ss] = pregr2 (func, p, x, y, Z, W)
Calculates covariance matrix and standard deviations of parameters in
regression models, like pregr, but for 2 independent variables.
func: character string with name of user-defined function
f = func (p, x, y) with x: n-vector; y: m-vector; p: k-vector
f: (n,m)-matrix with model-predictions for dependent variable
see regr2_NR
p: (2,k) matrix with
p(1,:) parameter values
p(2,:) binaries with yes or no conditional values
all conditional parameters have zero (co)variance
x: (n,1)-vector with first independent variable
y: (m,2)-vector with second independent variable
Z: (n,m)-matrix with dependent variable
W: (n,m)-matrix with weight coefficients
cov: (k,k) matrix with covariances
cor: (k,k) matrix with correlation coefficients
sd: (k,1) matrix with standard deviations
ss: scalar with weighted sum of squared deviations
calls nrdregr2, and user-defined function 'func'
The elements in the covariance and correlation matrices equal zero
for parameters that have code 0 in the second row of the parameter input matrix.
The values are the maximum likelihood estimates in the case of a identially normally distributed scatter distribution.
Therefore, no corrections for bias are made.
Example of use
assuming that function_name, pars, xvalues, yvalues, zdata, and weights are defined properly:
[cov, cor, sd, ss] = pregr2('function_name', pars, xvalues, yvalues, zdata, weights) .
global nxy n_pars index;
[np, k] = size(p);
index = 1:np;
if k>1
index = index(1 == p(:,2));
n_pars = size(index, 2);
if (n_pars == 0)
[nx, ny] = size(Z);
nxy = nx * ny;
if exist('W') ~= 1
W = ones(nx, ny);
W = W/ sum(sum(W)); WW = reshape(W, nxy, 1);
[f, df] = nrdregr2(func, p(:,1), x, y);
ss = sum(sum((W .* (f - Z) .^ 2)));
cov = zeros(np,np); cor = cov;
cov(index, index) = inv(df' * (df .* WW(:,ones(1, n_pars))))/ nxy;
cov = cov * ss;
sd = sqrt(diag(cov));
cor(index, index) = cov(index, index) ./ (sd(index) * sd(index)');