
function [q, info] = scsurv(func, p, varargin)
  %  created: 2001/09/11 by Bas Kooijman; modified 2008/09/18


Finds maximum likelihood estimates from survival data using the method of scores,
  with numerically obtained values for the jacobian.
It can deal with an arbitrary number of samples, which might share one or more parameters.
The convergence is usually fast, but the domain of attraction can be small, depending on data and model.
See nmsurv for simplex method, and scsurv2 and nmsurv2 for 2 independent variables.


func: string with name of user-defined function
   f = func (p, tn) with
     p: k-vector with parameters; tn: (n,c)-matrix; f: n-vector
   [f1, f2, ...] = func (p, tn1, tn2, ...) with  p: k-vector  and
    tni: (ni,k)-matrix; fi: ni-vector with model predictions
   The dependent variable in the output f; For tn see below.
p: (k,2) matrix with
   p(:,1) initial guesses for parameter values
   p(:,2) binaries with yes or no iteration (optional)
tni (read as tn1, tn2, .. ): (ni,2) matrix with
   tni(:,1) time: must be increasing with rows
   tni(:,2) number of survivors: must be non-increasing with rows
   tni(:,3, 4, ... ) data-pont specific information data (optional)
   The number of data matrices tn1, tn2, ... is optional but >0


q: matrix like p, but with ml-estimates
info: 1 if convergence has been successful; 0 otherwise


calls scdsurv, and user-defined function 'func'
set options with 'scsurv_options'
The iteration is terminated if the norm, i.e.
  the sum of squared derivetives of the deviance with respect to the iterated parameters,
  is less than the maximum norm or if the number of iterations exceeds a maximum values (see scsurv_options).
If progression seems hopeful, but the number of iterations not large enough,
  you can continue with pars = scsurv('function_name', pars, data).
Alternatively you can increase the maximum number of iterations with scsurv_options.

Example of use

assuming that data and function function_name and initial paramer estimates ipars are properly defined:
pars = scsurv('function_name', ipars, data) or
pars = scsurv('function_name', ipars, data1, data2)
(or more data sets, depending on the definition of the model functions.).
See script file mydata_surv.m for an example of specification.


  global index l N ntn listtn listf listg global_txt
  global max_step_number max_step_size max_norm report; % option settings

set options if necessary

  if prod(size(max_step_number)) == 0
    scsurv_options('max_step_number', 20);
  if prod(size(max_step_size)) == 0
    scsurv_options('max_step_size', 1e20);
  if prod(size(max_norm)) == 0
    scsurv_options('max_norm', 1e-8);
  if prod(size(report)) == 0
    scsurv_options('report', 1);

  ntn = nargin - 2; % number of data sets
  for i = 1:ntn % loop across data sets
    ci = num2str(i); % character string with value of i
    if i == 1
      listtn = ['tn', ci, ',']; % initiate list tn
      listf = ['f', ci, ','];   % initiate list f
      listg = ['g', ci, ','];   % initiate list g
      listtn = [listtn, ' tn', ci, ',']; % append list tn
      listf = [listf, ' f', ci,',']; % append list f
      listg = [listg, ' g', ci,',']; % append list g

  nl = size(listtn,2); listtn = listtn(1:(nl - 1)); % remove last ','
  nl = size(listf,2); listf = listf(1:(nl - 1)); % remove last ','
  nl = size(listg,2); listg = listg(1:(nl - 1)); % remove last ','

  global_txt = strrep(['global ', listtn], ',', ' ');
  eval(global_txt); % make data sets global

  global_txt = strrep(['global ', listtn], ',', ' ');
  eval(global_txt); % make data sets global

  N = zeros(ntn, 1); % initiate data counter
  for i = 1:ntn % loop across data sets
    ci = num2str(i); % character string with value of i
    eval(['tn', ci, ' = varargin{', ci,'};']); % assing unnamed arguments to xywi
    eval(['[N(', ci, '), k] = size(tn', ci, ');']); % number of data points
    if i == 1

obtain time intervals and numbers of death

      D = tn1(:,2) - [tn1(2:N(i),2);0]; % initiate death count
      n0 =  tn1(1,2) * ones(N(1),1); % initiate start number
      eval(['D = [D; tn', ci,'(:,2) - [tn', ci, '(2:N(i),2);0]];']);
                                % append death counts
      eval(['n0 = [n0; tn', ci, '(1,2) * ones(N(', ci,'),1)];']);
				% append initial numbers

  q = p; % copy input parameter matrix into output
  info = 1; % convergence has been successful
  likmax = D' * log(max(1e-10, D ./ n0)); % max of log lik function

  [np, k] = size(p); % k: number of parameters
  index = 1:np;
  if k>1
    index = index(0 < p(:,2)); % indices of iterated parameters
  l = max(size(index));  % l: number of parameters that must be iterated
  if (l == 0)
    return; % no parameters to iterate

  norm = 1 + max_norm; % make sure that we start with iteration
  step_number = 0; % initiate number of iterations

start of numerical minimization

  while (norm > max_norm) & (step_number < max_step_number)
    step_number = step_number + 1; % increment step number
    [prob, dprob] = scdsurv(func, q(:,1));
				% obtain death prob and derivatives
    dlik = dprob'*(D./prob); % deriv of log lik to pars
    norm = dlik'*dlik; % sum of squared derivatives

    if report ~= 0 % monitor progress
      dev = 2 * (likmax - D'*log(prob));
				% deviance: 2* log lik minus its supremum
      fprintf(['step ', num2str(step_number), ' norm ', num2str(norm), ...
	      ' dev ', num2str(dev), '\n']);

    step = ((n0./prob * ones(1,l).*dprob)'*dprob)\dlik; % planned step
    step_size = step'*step;
    step = step*min(max_step_size, step_size)/step_size;
				% reduce step if necessary
    q(index,1) = q(index,1) + step; % make step


trouble report

  if step_number == max_step_number
    if report ~= 0 % print warning
      fprintf(['no convergence within ', num2str(max_step_number), ...
	      ' steps \n']);
    info = 0; % convergence has not been successful