Sets options for
estim_options (key, val)
Sets options for estimation one by one, some apply to methods nm and mmea, others to mmea only
- no input: print values to screen
- one input:
'default': sets options at default values any other key (see below): print value to screen
- two inputs
'loss_function': 'sb': multiplicative symmetric bounded (default) 'su': multiplicative symmetric unbounded 're': relative error (not recommanded) 'SMAE': symmetric mean absolute error
'filter': 0: do not use filters; 1: use filters (default)
'pars_init_method': 0: get initial estimates from automatized computation 1: read initial estimates from .mat file (for continuation) 2: read initial estimates from pars_init file (default)
'results_output': 0 - only saves data to .mat (no printing to html or screen and no figures) - use this for (automatic) continuations 1, -1 - no saving to .mat file, prints results to html (1) or screen (-1), shows figures but does not save them 2, -2 - saves to .mat file, prints results to html (2) or screen (-2), shows figures but does not save them 3, -3 - like 2 (or -2), but also prints graphs to .png files (default is 3) 4, -4 - like 3 (or -3), but also prints html with implied traits 5, -5 - like 4 (or -4), but includes related species in the implied traits 6 - like 5, but also prints html with population traits
'method': 'no': do not estimate 'nm': Nelder-Mead simplex method (default) 'mmea': multimodal evolutionary algorithm
'max_fun_evals': maximum number of function evaluations (default 10000)
'report': 0 - do not report 1 - report steps to screen (default)
'max_step_number': maximum number of steps (default 500)
'tol_simplex': tolerance for how close the simplex points must be together to call them the same (default 1e-4)
'tol_fun': tolerance for how close the loss-function values must be together to call them the same (default 1e-4)
'simplex_size': fraction added (subtracted if negative) to the free parameters when building the simplex (default 0.05)
'search_method' (method mmea only): 'mm_shade' - use mm_shade method (default)
'num_results' (method mmea only): The size for the multimodal algorithm's population. The author recommended 50 for mm_shade ('search_method mm_shade', default) 18 * number of free parameters for L-mm_shade ('search method l-mm_shade')
'gen_factor' (method mmea only): percentage to build the ranges for initializing the first population of individuals (default 0.5)
'bounds_from_ind' (method mmea only): 0: use ranges from pseudodata if exist (these ranges not existing will be taken from data) 1: use ranges from data (default)
'max_calibration_time' (method mmea only): maximum calibration time in minutes (default 30) 'min_convergence_threshold' (method mmea only): the minimum improvement the mmea needs to reach to continue the calibration process (default 1e-4) 'max_pop_dist': the maximum distance allowed between the solutions of the MMEA population to continue the calibration process (default 0.2). 'num_runs' (method mmea only): the number of independent runs to perform (default 1)
'add_initial' (method mmea only): if the initial individual is added in the first population. 1: activated 0: not activated (default)
'refine_best' (method mmea only): if the best individual found is refined using Nelder-Mead. 0: not activated (default) 1: activated
'verbose_options' (method mmea only): The number of solutions to show from the set of optimal solutions found by the algorithm through the calibration process (default 10)
'verbose' (method mmea only): prints some information while the calibration process is running 0: not activated (default) 1: activated
'seed_index' (method mmea only): index of vector with values for the seeds used to generate random values each one is used in a single run of the algorithm (default 1, must be between 1 and 30)
'ranges' (method mmea only): Structure with ranges for the parameters to be calibrated (default empty) one value (factor between [0, 1], if not: 0.01 is set) to increase and decrease the original parameter values. two values (min, max) for the minimum and maximum range values. Consider: (1) Use min < max for each variable in ranges. If it is not, then the range will be not used (2) Do not take max/min too high, use the likely ranges of the problem (3) Only the free parameters (see 'pars_init_my_pet' file) are considered Set range with cell string of name of parameter and value for range, e.g. estim_options('ranges',{'kap', [0.3 1]}} Remove range-specification with e.g. estim_options('ranges', {'kap'}} or estim_options('ranges', 'kap'}
'results_display (method mmea only)': Basic - Does not show results in screen (default) Best - Plots the best solution results in DEBtool style Set - Plots all the solutions remarking the best one html with pars (best pars and a measure of the variance of each parameter in the solutions obtained for example) Complete - Joins all options with zero variate data with input and a measure of the variance of all the solutions considered
'results_filename (method mmea only)': The name for the results file (solutionSet_my_pet_time)
'save_results' (method mmea only): If the results output images are going to be saved 0: no saving (default) 1: saving
'mat_file' (method mmea only): The name of the .mat-file with results from where to initialize the calibration parameters (only useful if pars_init_method option is equal to 1 and if there is a result file) This file is outputted as results_my_pet.mat ("my pet" replaced by name of species) using method nm, results_output 0, 2-6.
'sigma_share': The value of the sigma share parameter (that is used into the fitness sharing niching method if it is activated)
- no output, but globals are set to values or values are printed to screen
See estim_pars for application of the option settings. Initial estimates are controlled by option 'pars_init_method', but the free-setting is always taken from the pars_init file. A typical estimation procedure is
- first use estim_options('pars_init_method',2) with estim_options('max_step_number',500),
- then estim_options('pars_init_method',1), repeat till satiation or convergence (using arrow-up + enter)
- type mat2pars_init in the Matlab's command window to copy the results in the .mat file to the pars_init file
If results_output equals 5 or higher, the comparison species can be specified by declaring variable refPets as global and fill it with a cell-string of AmP species names.
The default setting for max_step_number on 500 in method nm is on purpose not enough to reach convergence. Continuation (using arrow-up + 'enter' after 'pars_init_method' set on 1) is important to restore simplex size.
Typical simplex options are also used in the evolutionary algorithm via local_search in mm_shade and lmm_shade
Example of use
estim_options('default'); estim_options('filter', 0); estim_options('method', 'no')